Take care of your loved ones and avoid accidents
Cuida a tus seres queridos y evita accidentes
In case of fire the detector will activate an 85 db alarm that can be audible within a range of approximately 20 square meters in addition, it will send a notification alerting users with whom you share the device.
En caso de incendio el detector activará una alarma de 85 db que puede ser audible en un rango aproximado de 20 metros cuadrados además, enviará una notificación alertando a los usuarios con los que compartes el dispositivo.
Check from the application if the detector has been activated, consult the battery level and share the control with other users.
Desde la aplicación revisa si el detector se ha activado, consulta el estado de la batería y comparte el control con otros usuarios.
Link your Lloyd’s devices through the App to trigger smart actions, such as turning on the light bulb model LC-1192 in red when detecting smoke.
Use a 2.4G WiFi network to set it up. Download the “TuyaSmart” App to your Smartphone and follow a few simple steps.
Wireless function.
Receive notifications on your Smartphone when smoke is detected.
Share the control of your device with friends and family.
Power supply
Detection area
Electrical power
Main functions
85 dBm
1 CR123A battery of 3 Vcc
IOS / Android
20 square meters
Stand By mode: <15uA
Smoke detection / 85 dBm alarm / send notifications to users’ Smartphone / create routines that run when smoke is detected, such as closing the gas valve / keep record of the events history
85 dBm
1 batería CR123A de 3 Vcc
Sistema operativo IOS y Android
Área de detección
20 metros cuadrados
En modo Stand By: <15uA
Funciones principales
Detección de humo / alarma de 85 dBm / envío de notificaciones al Smartphone de los usuarios / crea rutinas que se ejecutan al detectar humo, como cerrar la válvula de gas / lleva registro del historial de eventos