LLOYD’S AT CES 2023 The Consumer Electronics Show 2023 has ended. It was a true privilege for Lloyd’s to reach its fifth consecutive participation in the greatest technology fair in the world. Because here is where people can see the fruits of efforts, the growth due to decades’ of hard work, and the achievement […]
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What are IP cameras?
IP (Internet Protocol) cameras are video surveillance devices that allow you to monitor your home or business by connecting directly to the Internet. This type of cameras are specially designed to send video and audio over the internet with the help of a router or through a local network to be able to monitor live […]
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Transform spaces into intelligent spaces
If you are wondering, “Can I turn my whole house into a smart home? The answer is yes, but how? To begin with we can tell you that you do not require a large investment to make this possible and if you think you will need to hire someone to help you install this type […]
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The advantages of having a smart home, a...
Nowadays, technology has taken giant steps, steps that have helped us to make our life more practical and simple, in recent years this technology has come to our home to make it more dynamic, practical and above all safe. If we talk about the advantages of having a smart home, the one that stands […]
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Lloyd’s participation in CES 2022
At the beginning of the year CES took place, the largest technology fair in the world, due to the new strain of Covid-19 large companies canceled their attendance, but the Mexican company Lloyd’s did not give up and was present at this great event. The company is currently developing around 70 products, including light bulbs, […]
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Make your routine a Smart routine
The homes of the future are here and now, who would have thought that Robotina would come to life in more than one smart item to help us with some activities, but you think that creating a smart home is complicated? Wrong! Making an investment to make our activities easier is within everyone’s reach and […]
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Lloyd’s seguirá lanzando nuevos productos en México
Para nosotros es muy importante seguir brindándote la seguridad que tu hogar necesita. De este tema y más platicamos con Luis GyG en su canal Geeks y Gadgets. ¡No te pierdas esta interesante entrevista!
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El cambio al hogar inteligente
Día a día vivimos en una sociedad donde el uso de tecnologías inteligentes cobra más importancia. Aunque mucho se habla sobre los costos de tecnología, qué pensarías si te dijera que tener tu hogar inteligente no es tan caro como tu crees.Lo primero es entender que convertir tu hogar inteligente no debe considerarse un gasto […]
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Principales ventajas de instalar un Video Interfón inteligente
En Lloyd’s sabemos que la seguridad de tu hogar y tus seres queridos es de suma importancia para ti, y gracias a las nuevas tecnologías, hoy en día es posible mantener la tranquilidad, comodidad y control de tu casa. Contar con un video interfón inteligente es una de las mejores decisiones que podrás tomar. Tu […]
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Crear un Hogar inteligente
Lo que hace unos años parecía una idea meramente de la ciencia ficción hoy es una realidad que está al alcance de nuestra mano con nuestro Smartphone, hablamos por supuesto de convertir nuestro hogar en un espacio inteligente. Hoy en día la posibilidad de automatizar distintas funciones, así como electrodomésticos de tu casa, se ha […]
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